Keep everyone in the loop.

You’ve got a tech in the field. He’s just completed his daily vehicle inspection report on a mobile form. No issues or problems to report. Sounds good…if only his manager knew any of that.

With Device Magic, a simple SMS text message can be sent to any phone number to ensure the right people know what work is being done. The mobile form SMS can contain as much or as little form submission data as you’d like.

Be informed when you need to be.

Knowing how things are going is great. But sometimes, you only need to be alerted when something big happens. SMS alerts can be sent when mobile form submissions meet certain conditions. With Destination Rules, a text message can be set up to only be sent when specific criteria is met. So for instance, if “vehicle passed inspection” is “No”, you can send a text letting the right person know. Otherwise, business can continue as usual.